Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Language celebration

oh ya i just remembered that we did celebrate our last day together with our lecturer May-Ann. Ok it wasn't really the last day but it was our last day of Language Communication and everyone is just sad to say bye to May-Ann, she's practically like everyone's fav lecturer~! ^^

i'm from E1 so there was no cake for us but there is the tradition of taking a class picture~ walah~!

haha everyone with their poses~! XD
a few of us decided to come over for E2 class since we had projects to do and of course we came for the one, the only~ CAKE~!! XDD

class E2 ppl~ lolx
After everyone's presentation it's time for the cake~!! i only managed to take a pic of one cuz by the time i ran for the other it was already cut and offered to others :(Laksh, class monitor slicing the cake~together we have our lecturer May-Ann~ ^^of course it is time to ATTACK~!!!
the cake was good and everyone really had fun~ even with such small stuff we sure can make alot of noise and fun out of it haha XD
mal: lookie~ no fingers~! XDand of course there is always the kacauing enez time! XDa group picture together with May-Ann~
It sure is fun everytime in her class, i sure do hope to see her teaching us again next sem even though i doubt it T^T

Thank you May-Ann for all your teachings and support~ we class CD1001-01 will forever remember you as one of our best lecturers! ^^

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