Friday, January 28, 2011

emma's birthday!

so late... haha what to do, so busy now~

well sem 1 year 2 has started long ago and i've had my hands full ever since~! (now still busy too :P) but no matter how busy we are we will always try to celebrate anyone's birthday that rises XD

therefore this time the lucky bastard who got to have a birthday celebration during college time is, EMMANUEL~! XDD

well there was more of a double celebration since yumi's one wasn't far from his so me and JL decided to suprise both of them on that day... first yumi was the one who wanted to surprise him by coming over but at the same time me and JL surprised her by celebrating her birthday together too :P

before moral class started we all headed to sunway for lunch and there is where yumi appeared to surprise emma :P

Ah love couples~ kills us all with diabetes man~ well they weren't the only ones.. here's the new couple in our class XDD

kai and Mal, aww so cute~ XD
the celebration was small and simple since we didn't have much time but i guess it was great~ been so long since i saw Emma having that stupid HUGE grin on his face for so long already XDD

Yumi joining for epic face too :Pboth blowing the cake together
birthday kiss~
the whole group together~ laksh ran away from the pic :(

After that we rushed to class and smuggled yumi in, well can't let the lecturer know we brought an 'immigrant' in now can we? :P

during break we started distributing the cake~ yumi brought emma a cake herself which was small.. i wonder if it was actually her original plan so she can 'share' together :P

emma's cake from usyumi's cake for emmaahhhhhh... haiz in class also so lovey-dovey XPhaha JL trying to avoid camera~ epic face :Pi don't think this is call epic face but laksh sure looks scary! O.O

haha well that wraps up for emma's celebration~ who's the next victim? XDD

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